Antibiotic Awareness Event 13th July 2017

A big thank you to everyone who supported the event.

This event was organised after feedback received from both the Romanian patients and colleagues that the Romanian community expect antibiotics to be prescribed to kill viruses and believe antibiotics are an efficient cure for the flu.

The event had a good turn out and the patients who attended felt it was informative and would like more meetings for patient education.

Patients were explained that Antibiotic resistance is one of the most significant threats to patients’ safety in Europe. It is driven by overusing antibiotics.

Please click on the link to view the presentation:

Presentation Antibiotic Presentation – 13.07.2017

Next meeting will be held on Thursday 17th August 2017 @ 6.30pm at Pearl Medical Centre.



Saeqah Khan -Clinical Pharmacist giving presentation on Antibiotic Awareness
Dr Hussain- GP Principal, Alina- Receptionist (Romanian speaking) and patients.

Pearl aiming to change perceptions of those in the community with the support of Nicoleta- Receptionist
The event was interpreted by Pearl Staff Nicoleta, Alina & Bilcs Interpreter.
Question & Answer session
Great feedback received from the patients. Patients feel supported by the Practice and appreciate that the practice has acknowledged their needs.